Our Blog Page


My First Time....

by Randy Shirk 12 months ago

Let me tell you about my first time....

I was very nervous, self-conscious, and Maybe suffering from a little "Performance Anxiety"!!!!

Many Times, I had thought about it,  maybe even "Practiced", once or twice....

But, Now that I was at the Point of no Return,  I had no idea what to do!!

How do you Write a Blog??

What The Hell IS a BLOG, Anyway???

Who Reads These??

Why are YOU reading this??

You thought I was going to talk about something ELSE....Didn't Ya!!!

It's okay, I wont tell!!


Monday 3-18-24
St. Patty's Day must have been Epic, as business is SLOW today!!
Bob & Joe L. are both off on Medical Leave,
Leaving Randy (our fearless leader), Markus (The FNG) and Yours Truly, Holding Down The Fort!!

And Hold It Down, We Certainly Did!!!
Randy paced Back and Forth at least 6847 Times an Hour...
Markus Talked to that little plastic thing that hangs out of his Ear, on and off, all day...
I never know when he's actually talking to someone, or just pretending to be busy....
And I did all the Hard Work....
 Like, Go Get Lunch,  Smoke Cigarettes, Shuffle Paperwork, Fluff My Plums, and Write a Blog....What The Hell is a Blog, anyway????

Tune In Tomorrow, True Believers!
Same Bat Time 
Same Bat Channel
